Maintenance Work Request

man performing maintenance

You can submit a work request for maintenance online. Requests are limited to the Maintenance Item - Description drop down list. However, if you do not find what you want to report in the Maintenance Item - Description drop down list then please click on Other and describe, in detail, your request. You can also contact your local DOT Maintenance office, in-person instructions are listed below.

*Please note: DOT is responsible for only state-owned roads which are interstates and state routes.  

Our goal at DOT is to provide you with the best service possible. To accomplish this goal we must collect as much relevant information as possible concerning your maintenance work request. Several of the fields within the form are mandatory.


Step 1.Know the Maintenance Item

You can use the link below to submit a work request for maintenance. Requests are limited to the Maintenance Item - Description drop down list. However, if you do not find what you want to report in the Maintenance Item - Description drop down list then please click on Other and describe, in detail, your request.

Step 2.Submit the Request

This link will re-direct to a portal to allow you to submit this maintenance request.

Submit Online


Step 1.Know your District

In order for you to be directed to the correct contact information, you should know the County in which you wish to request a maintenance request.

Step 2.Click into the District

Each option below will provide all of the contact details pertaining to each County within the district allowing you to call or submit in person.

District 1

District 2

District 3

District 4

District 5

District 6