Governor announces approval of nearly $2 Million to Veterans Programs

Published on 15 April 2022

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Governor Johnson announces the award of nearly $2 million in grant funding to support a range of robust and innovative local veteran service efforts and key projects to improve veterans’ access to transportation, housing, health care and other vital services across the state. 

The State received 15 proposals from across the State, totaling more than $4 million in requested funds. The projects were selected through a thoughtful and deliberate process by an evaluation committee composed of members of the Point Russell Veterans’ Affairs Advisory Committee, representatives of the State's national service organizations, as well as veterans and other partners from across the state. 

Grant funds will provide additional resources that enable organizations to offer services to veterans at no cost, that help improve outcomes in areas such as health or behavioral health care, housing security, employment opportunities or stability, education and training opportunities, transportation accessibility, or other critical services within a community. 

"We are thrilled to be able to support the work of so many worthwhile organizations throughout the state of Point Russell, who are working tirelessly to increase the availability of needed resources for veterans within their own communities,” Governor Johnson said. “With the continued economic, educational, behavioral health, housing and other challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we rely on these partners now more than ever to help ensure every veteran in our state has access to the benefits, resources and services they’ve earned.”

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